The kingdom of heaven is at hand. There may be no greater proclamation in all of human experience!

What does that mean? EVERYTHING!

When man first sinned, we lost direct access to God. Our sin banned us from the garden (heaven on Earth) and also banned us from being in God’s presence. God is light, darkness can not exist in the light. We became darkness due to our sin, so we could not exist in God’s presence.

All the death, suffering, sickness, heartache stems from that simple truth. Life without our creator is full of pain and suffering. The only way to stop the pain and suffering is to return to God. But how if we can not be in his presence? Exactly! That is why this is such a powerful message! Now… We can! Heaven came to us! It is truly at hand!

No, this world is not changed. It is still full of death and suffering. This world that we were put in charge of is still under the curse we caused. BUT, you and I, our hearts, our inner being, we are redeemed! Heaven came to us! God made a path for us to escape the death and suffering we caused!

Our bodies live in this world, but our souls live in heaven. Not after we die… But NOW! Jesus died so that we might have life, abundant Life. Now, today. We aren’t talking about riches, fame, pleasure, ease… No no no. None of that pointless worthless stuff. We are talking about living with our creator, every day! About His mighty presence, the very essence of God filling that hole we each have inside so that we explode with light and love! WOW, imagine that!

So often we cheapen the message by talking about finances, health, pleasure, fun, ease, … But the real treasure is heaven itself. The real gift is total and complete peace within the storm! So much peace that you forget the storm is still raging! You become immune to all the wiles and attacks of Satan because you just don’t care, you are so caught up in the beauty of heaven deep inside you that nothing of this life can hurt you!

You see, Jesus doesn’t protect us from the evils we caused in this world by building a wall around us. Instead he lights a fire within our souls that shines through any darkness. It is the light of Christ that protects us with a ring of light that no evil, no devil, no hurt can exist in.

Because, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is here, now, today. And it is free. All you need to do is accept it. Your troubles do not go away, but the darkness of the troubles disappears! The joy and peace of heaven fills his children beyond belief, and the troubles no longer matter.

Heaven, here, inside. That is an incredible message. An incredible promise. An incredible life.

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